Varicose veins


the surgery-free treatment with SONOVEIN® using therapeutic ultrasound

Varicose veins

In healthy leg veins the surrounding muscles, combined with the elasticity of the vein walls and vein valves, ensure the blood is transported against gravity from the legs to the upper body. If the vein valves no longer function properly, or the elasticity of the vascular walls weaken, a so-called venous reflux, a blood build-up in the legs, occurs. This enlarges the vein walls causing varicose veins to develop. Pain, swollen or heavy legs and skin changes can follow. If left untreated, such symptoms can worsen over time resulting in leg ulcers and other complications. SONOVEIN® echotherapy is the first technique allowing treatment of varicose veins from outside the body.

Whiteley; HIFU for the treatment of varicose veins and venous leg ulcers, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 36:3, 509-512

How echotherapy works

Echotherapy uses ultrasound waves like the ones used during an ultrasound exam. But unlike diagnostic ultrasound, echotherapy uses higher energy waves and focuses them upon the vein to generate thermal energy. As the thermal energy is delivered, the vein shrinks and is sealed closed.

How echotherapy works
Benefits of echotherapy

no incisions

no scars

immediate return to daily activities

Patient testimonials
Lynn echotherapy patient
James echotherapy patient
Maria echotherapy patient
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Am I a candidate for echotherapy?


SONOVEIN is a class IIb medical device (according to directive 93/42/EEC) designed and marketed by Theraclion. SONOVEIN has received CE-mark for coagulation of blood vessels in patients with superficial vein reflux – CE n° 2797.  If you have any questions about your eligibility for treatment, the risks associated with the procedure and alternative treatments, please consult your physician.